hga皇冠 + Waytek Launched an SEO-Focused Content Project Using a Pillar Page + Topic Cluster Strategy for Long-Term Success

Waytek — a national distributor of electrical components — partnered with hga皇冠 to conduct a firsthand survey and amplify results with the ultimate goal of improving search rankings.

Together, we embarked on an SEO-focused content project using a pillar page and topic cluster strategy followed by distinct tactics to amplify the content. This effort positioned Waytek as a credible thought leader in the industry, and solidified a foundational SEO strategy utilizing backlinks, internal linking and ongoing content marketing.

Great ideas take time to execute, and this one was no different. Read on for how we brought the campaign from idea to reality — and how you can do the same.


Waytek_Survey on Electrification_iPhone.jpghga皇冠 grounded the project with firsthand research exploring the growing trend of electric-powered systems in heavy-duty and off-road vehicles. We collaborated with Waytek and OEM Off-Highway - a leading industry publication — to develop an original questionnaire gauging sentiment around electrification and assessing how companies are exploring the new technology — if at all.

We housed the survey on Qualtrics as well as customized a Waytek branded interface to help establish credibility. Through selective distribution to both Waytek and OEM Off-Highway’s email lists, the survey garnered more than 315 responses and provided the primary research needed to provide thought-leadership and strengthen this content piece.

White Paper

With foundational research complete, we supplemented survey results with industry resources covering battery technology, emission standards, and current progress toward electrification. We mined data and summarized survey results to identify intriguing points to help set the tone for Waytek’s white paper.

hga皇冠 chose to host the white paper in two places to appeal to audience preferences for viewing content and enhance Waytek’s SEO. The full paper lives as an online report and as a downloadable PDF where readers have access to original data and supporting graphs.

The online paper serves as Waytek’s pillar page centering on the topic of electrification, while separate blog posts link to and from the report to drive mutual SEO benefits and provide additional, related content.

Landing Page

In addition to the full report online, hga皇冠 designed and developed an animated landing page to serve as a scannable introduction to the paper. We transformed key points into simple visuals that give visitors a brief overview of insights in the full report. The landing page supports internal linking within Waytek’s site to further enhance SEO and establish Waytek’s credibility on the topic of electrification.

Waytek_Survey on Electrification.png

In addition, hga皇冠 created articles, infographics, sponsored ads, targeted emails and media interest to supplement links back to the landing page and build up search authority.

The Results

Growing Customer Base

The landing page and report received nearly 2K unique page views with an average time on page of two minutes, indicating people were engaging with the content. Forty-five unique users downloaded a PDF version of the report, and of those 45 downloads, 62% were completely new contacts for the company. 

These are positive signs as this shows the content’s initial ability to reach and engage with new contacts.

Media Mentions with Backlinks

hga皇冠’s media relations efforts secured coverage of the survey results in four leading construction and wiring publications. In total, Waytek received 10 backlinks from articles published in trade outlets which served to introduce Waytek to new people and supplement SEO goals.

So, how can marketing pros use these ideas to inspire their own company’s content strategy?

Here are three steps to create high-quality content that adds value for readers while boosting search engine rankings, creating trusted authority, and positioning companies as credible resources in their industries.

How to Explore Content Marketing for Your Company

  1. Ask Questions: One trait that holds true for most people — they love to share their opinions. Start asking your team members and customers what trends they’re seeing; what excites them for the future of your industry; or what is something that’s always baffled them about their vertical. Use these questions as the basis for content creation efforts.
  2. Identify Trends: If your company has been consistently turning out content, chances are some of the topics overlap. Identify larger trends within this content to uncover opportunities to build longer form pages that ultimately will boast higher search authority.
  3. Think Big: One survey, one article, or one infographic won’t have enough impact to move the SEO needle. But combining these tactics just might. Consider how your audience engages with content and make a plan to amplify your topics through multiple avenues.

Although it’s hard work, our team relishes the challenge of taking our Client’s content, SEO + digital marketing strategies to the next level. If you’re curious how a campaign like this could work for your company, let’s connect.