通过执行支柱和集群内容策略来支持长期SEO,从而在搜索结果中获得牵引力. 支柱和集群策略以高质量的信息为中心,这些信息由基本的SEO策略支持,以增加搜索结果的权威性.

When It Comes to SEO…

  • Keyword Stuffing Is Long Gone

  • ‘Create It and They Will Come’ Was Never a Great Strategy Anyway

  • Clickbait Headlines Were a Passing Fad


So Where Is the Best Place to Focus Our SEO Efforts?

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Let’s set the stage with an overarching caveat: every company is different and the SEO 对每个业务最有益的活动根据其环境而变化nces. Take time to be intentional about strategy before jumping in to any given tactics.

Now that we got that out of the way, 我们最近看到的一个SEO策略是支柱和集群内容. Originally coined by HubSpot in 2017, 一个支柱和集群战略是一个有效的方式,为公司看到长期的SEO改进, specifically improved positioning in search results for desired topics.

In this article, 我们将解释如何围绕支柱和集群战略建立公司的内容工作, including:

  1. What are pillar + cluster strategies

  2. How can you identify relevant topics

  3. Which on-page SEO tactics help build results

When these individual pieces work together, it establishes a foundation for positive SEO results over time.


What Are Pillar and Cluster Strategies?

Pillar and cluster strategies consist of an informational pillar page, typically longer form content at 1,000+ words. 它由集群文章提供支持,这些文章较短,深入讨论了整个支柱页面中提到的特定主题. The number of cluster articles can range from 10 to 50 or more. But don’t get intimidated! Remember that this is an iterative process for long-term results.

将所有东西粘合在一起的粘合剂是文章之间的内部链接. 将支柱页面中的相关短语和关键字链接到集群文章是至关重要的, and vice versa.

支柱+集群的内容策略不是一个小技巧——只要问问我们在这些项目上合作的hga皇冠就知道了. But it is well worth the effort to stand out in organic search results. 在这些类型的内容营销工作上与代理商合作可以给你的团队带来所需的力量.

As your content strategy evolves, 您可能会找到其他相关主题,可以作为另一个支柱页面的基础. 最终,网站内容可以像下面的图表一样,有几个支柱页面和支持集群的文章.

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How to Identify Topics for Pillar Pages and Cluster Articles

为了在搜索引擎中排名,支柱页面必须与搜索查询背后的意图相匹配. When a person searches for a topic online, 如果一个页面有高质量的信息,他们更有可能发现它有帮助. Before we dive into more specific ways to identify content topics, keep in mind the following attributes of successful content:

  • Educational

  • Non-promotional (Or at Least Low-Key Promotional)

  • Relevant

An often-quoted stat is that nearly 70% of the buyer’s journey is done online before potential customers make contact with a sales person. Think of your content strategy as sales enablement. 围绕你可以与潜在hga皇冠分享哪些信息来进行头脑风暴,这些信息将帮助他们解决问题,并让他们觉得自己受过教育. When we provide helpful info upfront, 当人们做出决定时,他们会对你的产品或hga皇冠有所了解.

With this frame of reference, 以下是为支柱页面和集群文章集思广益的三种方法.

1. Talk With the People on the Front Lines

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Oftentimes, 销售团队对hga皇冠心中的热门话题有着惊人的洞察力,因为他们每天都与hga皇冠互动. 进行一次谈话或头脑风暴可以挖掘出与你的目标受众高度相关的黄金内容. Find more ways to brainstorm content ideas in our article on problem-solving content.


Boost Your Content Marketing With a Pillar and Cluster Strategy-04.jpg2. 执行关键字研究,并根据相关性,难度和搜索量选择智能焦点

关键词研究告诉我们哪些搜索词能把访问者带到一个公司的网站, which keywords competitors rank for, and which keywords are low-hanging fruit for ranking. 请记住,关键词研究是一个很好的起点,但它只能让我们走到这里. We need human insight to create the best content. Remember, 我们为支柱和集群页面选择的主题需要具有教育意义, relevant to audiences and non-promotional in nature.

3. 首先通过媒体和竞争对手研究你所在行业的格局

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Chances are that if you’re part of an in-house marketing team, you already have a solid pulse on your industry. 但是,将专业知识转化为支柱和集群战略的形式可能是一个学习曲线. 有两个容易找到主题指导的地方:行业媒体和竞争对手. 浏览行业出版物的标题和新闻节奏,了解消费者感兴趣的阅读内容. 在谷歌新闻上搜索一下你的竞争对手,看看他们的博客或文章是否排名靠前. Research what’s out there, find something that piques your interest, and then start thinking about how you can do it better.


这些主题足够广泛,它们允许在支柱页面内扩展部分,并链接到较短的集群文章. 这也使他们与广泛的受众相关,同时谈到这些人面临的问题.

Which On-Page SEO Tactics Return Results

在花了很多时间写内容之后,页面搜索引擎优化可能是你最后考虑的事情. 这些小而重要的策略可以帮助搜索引擎理解页面上的内容. Here is our quick and dirty checklist for on-page SEO:

  1. Select focus keyword(s): 在关键词研究的基础上,为内容挑选一两个重点关键词.

  2. Research supporting keywords: 回顾关键词研究,找出可以添加到文本中的同义或相关关键词.

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    Optimize headers: Add focus keywords to the h1s, h2s, h3s.

  4. Write and optimize the meta description: 总结访问者通过点击此页面将获得的价值. Include focus keywords.

  5. Add focus keyword to the URL: 如果你能够将关键字输入URL,就可以获得一些印象分.

  6. Optimize the meta title: This is the text that appears on a browser tab. Include a focus keyword if it makes sense.

  7. Evaluate and add internal linking: 检查内容的短语和关键字,将有意义的超链接到其他内部页面.

  8. Source supporting creative assets: The best content has graphics, and the best graphics have content. 为你的内容添加一些创意,比如创建图形或图片.

  9. Add image titles: 通过在设置页面时添加一个简单的图像标题来支持SEO.

  10. Write image ALT text: 添加图形或图像的简要描述以支持可访问性标准.

  11. Set a social sharing image: Make it easy for others to share your content by adding an image that will auto-populate social posts.

重要的是要记住,支柱+集群战略是SEO的长期计划. It may take a few months to execute, 搜索引擎需要几个月的时间才能开始认识到这些新创建内容的价值.

Over time, the strategy can be repeated to focus on different target audiences, service areas, or desired keywords. Once the ball gets rolling, 增量优化内容并继续构建更多集群文章是一种轻松的提升.

如果你对支柱+集群策略如何为你的内容营销工作感兴趣, drop us a line and we’ll dig in together.